Affirmations A Double-Edged Sword

Affirmations need to be sown on fertile ground. If your mind is full of weeds, it is not ready to receive the positive.

Have you ever used affirmations for a while and then quit because you don’t notice any results? Just repeating the positive is not enough because our subconscious mind could be repeating negative affirmations unbeknownst to us. You could be running subconscious programs like, I don’t deserve or I’m not good enough. There may be memories that we hold onto that we use to prove to ourselves that these false beliefs are true.

It’s not as hard as you may think to let go of these memories and change the false beliefs. I use Eutaptics Faster EFT to release doubt, fear, irritations, angers, sadness and any other negatives. Once I clear the weeds out, then I’m ready to start affirming the positive.

Awhile back I went through a health crisis and I had to have surgery. I knew I had to get to the emotional cause and core of the problem.

  • First, I tapped on myself and released fear and all the doctor words out of my mind.

  • Second, I worked with other Faster EFT practitioners as a client, because they could see my stuff better than I could. We cleared old memories that related to the health problem.

  • Third, I used healing affirmations to keep my mind in a good place.

Fortunately and by God’s grace, things worked out fine.

We are all good at manifesting, but we may be manifesting what we don’t want. The reason we repeat affirmations is so that we can begin to vibrate differently and then resonate with better, more positive fields of possibilities. It just makes sense to plant your seeds when they have the best chance of germinating into something wonderful.

Eutaptics Faster EFT is the best way I know to clear out the weeds. Once you let go of what you don’t want, then you are ready to plant what you do want in the beautiful garden of your mind.

“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” - Albert Einstein

To learn more about Eutaptics Faster EFT and book a session with Vivien Mehler

Click here!

The Placebo Effect

You may have heard the word placebo used in a negative way, “Oh that’s just a placebo”. But, doesn’t the placebo effect really demonstrate the minds amazing ability to heal the body?

Eutaptics Faster EFT is a universal healing system that utilizes this mind-body connection to address the thought process and how it affects the body. With this technique you learn how to take conscious control of your unconscious mind. While tapping on certain acupressure points as you aim at a problem you can release what you don’t want.

Robert G. Smith, a leading expert in stress relief and healing, took the best aspects of traditional EFT, NLP, and BSFF and created Eutaptics Faster EFT Emotionally Focused Transformations. He has over a thousand YouTube videos on his channel.

Robert’s Youtube Channel

Robert says, “Memories buried alive never die”. Buried alive means tucked away with all the emotions still attached. We have internal recorded information that expresses in a physical way.

For example, I have a friend who had been in a car accident. Every time he came to an intersection while driving, he would start to feel anxious and his body would tighten up.

This is how we create problems. We think a certain way based on recorded information, and then we use this information to create our problems. The mind makes it seem real by creating emotions that we feel in our bodies. When we let go of negative emotions and transform how we represent the past, physical health can be restored.

I have witnessed almost magical transformations in my clients using Eutaptics Faster EFT. From allergies to emotional traumas, from phobias to cravings, I’ve seen profound changes happen quickly and easily.

To learn more about Eutaptics Faster EFT and book a session with Vivien Mehler

Click here!